Richmond Dragons (AA)
After a playoff year in 2023, the Richmond Dragons return in a most auspicious year in 2024 – according to the Chinese lunisolar calendar, it is in fact the Year of the Dragon. Come September, we’ll see if they’re right.
The Dragons return almost all of their players from 2023, although some have moved on up to the Roebucks AAA squad. Reinforcements have also arrived, however, and with the Richmond club adding an extra AA team, all squads have trimmed down to a core of players.
On the pitching side, the Dragons pack more quality than depth, with veterans Yasu Minoa and Per Nillson Eklof returning, and Vilnis Geidans plus Edgar Simbajon (also a legendary catcher) sure to figure at some point. The new face on the mound is another Yasu, Yasu Ichige, who looks a strike throwing machine and packs a nifty slide step to control the running game.
The core of the batting lineup includes surely the best hitter in all of AA baseball in the second half of 2023 in the form of Ross “The Hammer” Crawford. Another new addition, Martin Visser, will give him a battle for that title in 2024, having put up some startling stats last year for Guildford. The last new face, Brett Johnstone, looks a fine hitter, coming back to the game after a long absence, and his return will also give a boost to the infield.
Euan Shields, Dave D’Urbano, Craig Abouchar and Jefferson Villasmil add veteran class to both the lineup and the infield (and outfield at times), and all of the Dragons’ pitchers bat well – 2 of them hit home runs last year and the others know how to get it done with the bat.
The youth infusion will be provided – when college permits – in the form of Matty Wall and Harry Stokes, and the Dragons are sure to call up some prospects from the single A teams to get them used to a slightly higher level of baseball.
Team management, bench warming and largely statue-like first base play will be covered by Paul Sculpher in his first year as a manager.
This most veteran of veteran teams will fight for another playoff run, ideally with a little more progress this year at the sharp end of the season. As ever, quality of play wil be largely determined by availability – when the best players are available, this team has the firepower to beat anyone. On other weekends, everyone will have to step up, including promising single A players. If that calendar has it right, it’ll be a year to remember.
Paul Sculpher - Manager
Per Nilsson Eklof - Asst. Manager
Active Roster (TBC)
Brett Johnstone
Dave D’Urbano #21
Harry Stokes #28
Matty Wall #88
Ross Crawford #36
Yasu Minowa #52
Craig Abouchar #11
Edgar Simbajon #75
Jeff Villasmil #00
Paul Sculpher #16
Vilnis Geidans #94
Euan Shields #30
Martin Visser #69
Per Nilsson Eklof #81
Yasu Ichige #35